This Dianswift training course on The Strategic Leader brings together the key strategic leadership skills of strategic planning, negotiation and conflict management required to succeed in today’s complex and challenging business environment.
‘Strategy’ is as it says in the classic text ‘the art of war’, complex yet when understood very simple, those who have a successful strategy are in control of the upcoming events.
The implementation of strategies often requires the ability to exert influence and negotiate effectively. Negotiation is not litigation, neither is it war. Negotiation is not about obtaining total victory. Total victory by one party tends to be short lived. Negotiation and conflict management are key strategic management and leadership skills and are probably the single most used skills in business today.
This training course will enable you to:
- Challenge your pre-conceptions about strategic planning, negotiation and conflict management
- Understand the content of strategy – unravelled, demystified and translated into everyday language
- Learn how to implement the strategic planning process and get real value out of the process
- Learn how to analyse the much-misunderstood concept of win-win negotiation
- Obtain the essential tools and practical skills for the planning and management of the negotiation and conflict process, thereby developing the ability to negotiate value-creating solutions